Pleasing Daddy beoordeling 7.80

Review: 13 februari 2013
20 years. That is the age difference between two of the performers that you'll find at Pleasing And you know what? That's the closest in age any two of them are! Grey hair and wrinkles meets smooth skin and youth in this May-September fuck-fest. I guess I'd call this a fetish site....most people aren't exactly lining up to see a teenage girl banging some guy that is old enough to be her grandfather. That said, I have to also add that this site's fetish is actually well done.

There is a scene in Pleasing where a guy is fucking a 21 year old hottie like it's his last day on earth...and who knows, it might be. He is after all...71 years old! 50 years age difference! Now, that's the largest gap on this site, but it emphasizes the nature of what is show here...namely, a bunch of young (18-31 year old) hot chicks being drilled by a bunch of old, or at least older (50-78) men.

OK, OK, I am over-emphasizing the age gap a little. Truth is, most of these men are in their 50s and most of the women are in their 20s, so it'd be like fucking a guy your dad's age. That might seem a little creepy, but something about this seems to work here. Sometimes it's nice to get a little break from the "norm" porn of young performers going at it, and this provides that. However, I'm guessing that the real appeal here will be to people who have a fetish for this sort of thing. It's not an extreme fetish...hell, most women like older men anyway. But that's the most likely appeal, and it's pretty well done here.

The site is easy to navigate, and mostly linear. I do wish there was some sort of search and sort function, but that's very minor issue. It's presented by video episode, with each video having a theme of sorts, although this is just meant to get us into the sex itself.

Technical quality is good if not great. Videos stream (and quickly) at a max of 852x480px. That sounds "ok" but really, it was fine for me. There is some mix of content that looks original, plus some from two guys that appear to be "names" in this genre (Dave Cummings and Uncle Jesse).

Much of the site is pic sets, no downloads, nothing "extra." That may also be seen as a strength of this site as well.

Amount of content: 125 videos
Update frequency: 2 times a month
Exclusive content: Not all content but some is
Max video resolution: 852x480 pixels
Video types: flash
Available for mobile: No


I wouldn't say PleasingDaddy presents the full-on "daddy"'s more of an older man/younger woman sort of thing. No matter...I liked what they do here. The female talent is well-selected, production values are good, and it's easy to navigate. It's a basic photosets, downloads, or bonus content...but that's ok. What you get is what you want when you buy this; hot chicks being nailed by older men. There is plenty of preview material to let you determine whether you'll like it, so check that out first.

Bezoek site Pleasing Daddy